The temps are starting to show promises of cooling, kids are going back to school and football season will be kicking off before we know it. You know what means…fall is around the corner!
Believe it or not, fall is a popular time to take on a remodel for many families as the summer vacations have passed and many want their spaces spiffy for the new year.
As a follow up to our previous post about what to expect in a remodel, I wanted to hop in and share something else very helpful when it comes to remodeling. BUDGETING!
New build after shot. The client wanted to “splurge” on under mount outlets to keep her backsplash clean. photo by Katie Jameson
I know, it’s the dirty word of remodels. It’s never as high as you want it to be and never as low as you need it to be.
The easiest way to configure your remodel and furnishing budget is to break down line by line how much you are willing to spend on every single item. Do you want to splurge on a custom-made concrete tile? Budget for that. Do you need something that can withstand a daily beating from young kids? Budget for that.
After a remodel. We wanted to remove the old wine rack in this photo but the budget didn’t allow for it. photo by Katie Jameson
Once you’ve added everything up, add 10-20% to that. There’s your budget. Why that 10-20%? Tell me the last time something you’ve budgeted for came in exactly where you wanted it to be. It’s rare but doable. If you come in at or under budget, that’s a bonus but give yourself a little padding for when things go over. Maybe you fell in love with a sofa that is a smidge more than you wanted to spend. Maybe the tile installation is going to cost a little more than you thought it would. Simply speaking, things creep up. That is the nature (not the goal) of any design project.
Remodel in progress shot. We changed directions and decided to move the sink to be on this wall so the cost increased by 10%.
So now you’re thinking, “Yeah but I have no idea how much things cost.” Or “I haven’t bought a couch in 10 years and that one only cost $500. How much should I spend on a new couch?” Well, my friend, that’s where we come in. We’ve put together a handy-dandy spreadsheet to give you a general range of costs on just about every new item we’d help you bring in to your home.
Remodel in progress shot. The client wanted to splurge on this beautiful concrete tile so we cut numbers in other areas.
Simply CLICK HERE – Budget Packet – to download our breakdown of general costs for your home.