Each year, Pantone announces their “color of the year” which is forecasted based off of the popular trends in all areas of design for that year. Back in December, they announced not only one, but two, colors of the year for 2021 – ultimate gray and illuminating yellow. This color choice has much more meaning this year than ever, as these shades were carefully chosen to express a feeling of strength and hopefulness after a rough, uncertain year. To me, the gray resembles a rather gloomy year, ya know, with the pandemic and all. While the sunshine yellow symbolizes a bright future ahead and a joyful, cheery outlook on the months ahead.

With everyone spending a lot more time at home, I think that we could benefit from incorporating these colors into our spaces, since this bold yellow sparks a feeling of excitement and joyfulness and the gray brings a calm, soothing ambiance. Considering gray is an easy neutral to work with, we’re going to be focusing on the trickier color, illuminating yellow. Whether you want to mix this shade in subtly or go bold, your friends over here at BANDD are here to tell you how you can incorporate this color into your home.
